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Showing posts with label all mahiti. Show all posts

Feb 17, 2019

Arshad Warsi is now debuting in the digital world

Arshad Warsi has started his career since 1996. She is also a playback singer, television presenter and producer, not just an actor. However, in the 'Munna Bhai MBBS' with Sanjay Dutt, he had hit the circus with a circular character.

Arshad has added one more hangover in his career. She is now debuting in the digital world. Arshad has decided to work in the web series. It works in web site 'Asura'. He said in the matter that I loved the story of this series. This was a superior script.

I had no reason to decline this offer. Yes, I had a wish that I would do something different, which I do not have to get such an opportunity in films anymore. However, I have made a decision that I do not have to comedy in the web-series. I will finish the work that I would like to take seriously in working in the web series. Viewers will only be seen in my comedy movies.

Arshad does not have any interest in politics. It is personally believed that the actors should not be interested in politics. It is necessary to have a 'different mind' to enter politics, if you do not have that skill, then you should not go to politics. I have nothing to do with politics and will not be there. I love a straightforward life. I do not like any compliances in my life.

Arshad is a 14-year-old son and an 11-year-old girl. Talking about his family, Arshad says that my children will be with me almost three or four years now. Then both of them will go on their own way. So now I want to spend as much time with them as possible.

Talking about his son and daughter, Arshad says, my son has no meaning with glamor, fame etc. But my daughter seems to be posed in front of the camera. By the present nature, it seems that she is a hero of the type of heroine. I think you have a tilt towards the film industry. It may also go into acting. But my son is interested in football, video games, travel, kungfu, etc. The choice of both brothers and sisters is quite different.

Arshad has played various characters in a silver screen, but the comedy is prominent. Talking about his comedy character, Arshad says, comedy films are becoming more and more. Eight of the ten films are comedy. Even if a serious film is made, it is kept in a screenplay or a basic mood comic.

As Akshay Kumar's padman looks at any other film, he has a comedy along with Sirius. People prefer to watch comedy as well as action in films. Then there is no difference between an action comedy or a romantic comedy. Apart from this, now it has to become horror-comedy films too.

During the career, Arshad has made many films with affection. For these films, he did not give much importance to script, character or remuneration. Only the filmmakers need it, they emphasize that they do many films. However, Arshad is not willing to do this now.

In this regard, it seems true to Ranbir Kapoor. Once Ranbir said that no one should make films for Yari-Dosti, doing this is like betraying his fans. Today, Arshad is feeling true about this. Now she does not even want to do such films.

Now, he clarifies that there are very few films, he says that the script of good films does not come only. It does not seem to work that a Bakawas script is coming. The character also needs to be worthy of us. That's why my zza movies are not coming.

Talking about 'Me To Movement', Arshad says, 'This is a good movement. It is different from who is punished, distressed, lost, and damaged. But one positive thing to do about this movement is that after this no man will not be compelled with any woman. There may be many who tried to raise the disadvantage of this movement, so many would be guilty. But one thing is certain that after this most women will now be safe.

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Feb 16, 2019

ALITA: Battle Angel

ALITA: Battle Angel

A board named Dr. Dixon Edo hangs on the door. Dr. Edo is a special surgeon of cyborg, who has a specialty of various diseases, has also written on the board. Organic cyborg is a mixture of both human and machine. In order to grow such people in the future, even its surgeons will need it! In the film, the future is that of the year 2563 (after 544 years ago).

Increasing the population on earth, then the people made the city tingling in the sky (space city). There was a great warrior. Many parts of the earth have been broken. The people who were left were not living in their country or region. All came and lived in a city named Aryan City. Aryan City was the only Earth population that could absorb.

On the other hand, all the space caps were broken by the Mahaudhas except Jhalim. Anyone wishing to stay in Aryan City was going to Jhalam, but going to Jhalalam was difficult to break seven tables.

Being a future city, modernization like a one-wheeled bike, a special kind of rickshaw, came in Aryan. After the Mahayudh, however, the city has been transformed into a scam, there is no attractive building or no direct road. Because the attackers were the Mangalis. 300 years have passed since the attack.

Working in a factory for people living in Aryan city was the only employment option. Another hidden work was going on in Hunting. There was a whole army called Warrior Hunter, whose job was to kill criminals from the city and kill him. If there is a killing, then you can get points, and if the number of points is increased then you will get reward for going to jail. For a team of cyborg was working fulltime hunter hunt.

The town was ruled by a villain named Nova. Nova did not resist anyone directly, but he kept on gripping a motorbike competition. Machine-man was on the track and caught the ball in front of the game. The winner of the last one round of the competition, which will win the last one, will also get a chance to go to Jhalams.

In short, all those who were great in Aryan City were working to go to Jhalames. The rest were working in the filling factory. In the factory, the content for Zalem City and the content was sent over the same. No one else knew what was above, the other.

There was also a man ruling in Jalal, who was named Vector. When Vector wanted, he could enter another's body. In fact, he lived in someone's body in Aryan City. But that is one of the secrets of the film's various mysteries.

There was another gang in the city, who was working to steal Cybeg's body parts. Many people in Ayrian City were cyborgs. If all the hands or legs were broken, they would come to Dr. Ida for treatment. Even the Spar parts of the people were working for Nova, so he was stolen by someone else.

There were few people who could be called gentlemen in the city and there was a Dr. Ida. Dr. Edo, moving around the scalp's mug, found one body parts. The upper part of the brain and body was a witness. Being a cyborg expert, Dr. Edo tied the body with the body and one of them got ready.

The girl did not remember what happened earlier in her life. Dr. Ida kept her name Alita. Dr. Edo had an old relationship with Alita, which is also the smallest mystery of the film. When Alita came out in the market, she met a young man named Hugo. The friendship of both of them got burnt. Even though Dr. Idi's injunction, Elita was roaming around there. There were many unknown dangers in the city, so Alita was not aware of it.

Often Dr. Idi was out on the night, going somewhere. One day, Elita went behind them. See if Dr. Idi is also a Warrior Hunter. At that time, Dr. Gidwitska, a cyborg attacked Dr. Oedo. There were also Grewisco's other colleagues. Edo alone could not reach him.

But Alita, who is chasing, smashed the whole mass and sabotaged the giant Saiborg Gravisa. At that time, Dr Aid realized that Alita may be seen, even though she is masam, heartless and heartless. It is possible to fight Bhalbala. At the same time, Nova and his team also came to know that Sava, who has been eating sugary sweets, has got into a city. Now it's going to end.

How to eliminate Elita? Noah found the way. Hugo caught lover from Alita's friend There is a connection between Hugo and Nova, and this is undoubtedly the secret of the film. Nova gave Hugo a lure that if Alita is ready to participate in motorboat competition, then the way to go to Hugo will be paved. By the time Alita had also filed her name as a Warrior Hunter because her aggressive activity was like that.

Alita has shown her willingness to participate in a motorbike competition. Dr. Ida initially made an aunt-kana, but then turned down the yes. When the competition started, it was decided that the competition is really dangerous, so the plan is to eliminate Elita. Alita could not have withdrawn from it, but she could do it all.

Competition started in the stadium, one group of Warrior Hunter came to kill Hugo. Hugo called Alita for help, and until she reached Hugo by completing her work, many body parts were broken.

Dr. Hoido's body piece was inserted by Dr. Edo. After that, the cured Hugo began to climb up the hefty pipe after taking up a manger. But watched over by the Victor, he wasted it on the way.

Alita was also going to save there, but before that, there was a fragment of Hugo, which had a cyborg body. Now Alita is the only nine
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Online Puja-Path

Online Puja-Path
Compared to the developed countries, India may have been lagging behind in progress, but Pandit Pujari has brought rituals, puja etc. to religion. As the worship of rituals and rituals continued to grow, the priest class continued to flourish in the same way.

Since the year 1991, the period of liberalization and privatization began in the country. Increasing employment with people migrated from this. In such a situation, people associated with the root of the worship and rituals became disillusioned. When Pundapujari's business, used to eat free of food without any effort, he has adopted a new technique to cheat, which is visible in the form of rituals such as online philosophy, aarti, worship and pindand, tarpan and shradha. These online punds specialize in cutting online pocket, connected to applications such as Skype, Google, Facebook Chat.

It is clear that the priests have been trying to foil the people by maintaining the sacraments from every level. The point of the extent is that governments are also helping to open their hearts in this work, after death, when there is no existence of human being, even then, the business of liberating from the Live Pindand is in the hands of the online pooja package. . Modern pundes are trying their best to fill their pockets by showing the arti and philosophy of famous temples online. In such a way, it is better to be cautious of the priests giving the online pooja.
Live pinddan

In the past, Allahabad, now in Prayagraj, some priests started the live pindandan. The priest here said, 'Videococcus is being pumped live. At the time of the ritual, a person will stand on mobile and will show everything in it, which will be easily seen by our host sitting far away. In return we charge big money from the hosts. "

Dharm made Pandavas rich
The priest, the priest, is making money by making religious people in many ways, but the real problem is that the wealthy students are in the thoughts of the rich, whose pockets are hot and the money is thrown out of fear of religion. By looking at these wealthy hosts, the poor society also falls in the same way as priests. This is the reason that the batsmen of the live thief are getting batches.

In the past, see the example of online pindanda- Priyagraj's Purohit Vijay Pandey has sent quota 21,000 to Vijender Rajput, Virendra Kumar and Bhairon Singh Pindada of Jaipur. Purohit Ashutosh Paliwal has sent thousands of rupees to Virendra Pandey, Mohnish Bharma, Bhayam Dwivedi, Vikesh of New Delhi, Vikheshwar Singh Chauhan of Chhindwara, and thousands of rupees have been paid in the prescribed date.

The thing to think about is that a laborer who earns 20,000 rupees in spite of working hard in the daytime, while the pandanand ponds only make a man in a few hours by directing the owl, or 21,000 or more of the lime to read. These pundits, who do not do any work themselves, are only making a poor man by revealing religious fear to the person who read in the name of rituals.

Official seal on

In the Mahakal Mandir located in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, there were reports of online booking for Darshan and Aarti in the past. There, the Aarti administrator Pradeep Soni had instructed to build near the 250-odd Darshan counter. Meaning the Mahakal temple administration was able to collect the amount of 250 rupees for the money from the devotees of their Lord.

Obviously this process has been done online for more recovery. Not only this, the Mahakala mobile app was also launched, which was initially made online, but later it was closed for bookings of Darshan.

In the same way, in the Kali temple of Uttar Pradesh's capital, Lucknow, in the year 2018 Navaratri was booking a quota of 2,100 for the make-up of the temple. In another case, the announcement of anointing of 5,100 online deposits of the Brahma temple in Pushkar, Rajasthan was announced. Booking for Vip Darshan system was also discussed in the temple. It was claimed that the income from this will be invested in the development of the temple. The surprising thing is that at the time the decision was taken in Pushkar, the temple was managed by a government committee whose president was then the district collector.

Fear even after death

Indeed, Hindu religious texts have made people so scared that even after people die, when there is no survival, then there is a feeling of sympathy. According to Hindu scriptures, the deceased does not get freedom until a family member does not give up.

However, the priest has given a relaxation to his advantage, in which if a kin does not do the last rites, Brahmin can perform the funeral. There will be no hindrance in getting salvation from the deceased. In this way Garuda Puran and Smriti Puran give guarantee to give salvation through the help of priests. To get salvation after death, there are many websites and mobile apps, along with the Haitek Pandits of the main religious towns of the country, who are promoting this type of Pongapanti.
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Ayushmann Khurana's film ' BADHI HO'

The success of the actor Ayushmann Khurana's film ' BADHI Ho' has succeeded in turning away from the leaks like Ayesha Khurana's previous films 'Wiki Donor' and 'Bareli Ki Barfi', but has succeeded because of the base on ordinary people's lives. Amit Sharma, who made advertising films, has shown the reality in this film, and this is why he has crossed the figure of 100 crores even though he has a rough subject, and opened the way for older women to become mothers.

Before family planning, the children would have been wanting. When the first child was in the age of 14-15 years old, it was not great to be in the age of 40-45 years and at the same time the child of the child could have had the first time. Now, when the marriages of children have started around 30 and the methods of family planning are easy, then there is an eye attack on late children.

This is not the case of a late child. 'Badhai' tells the story of the lives of ordinary middle-class families, who live between the lack of space, the bonded social beliefs, neighbors' interference. Amit Sharma spent his childhood in Jangpura area of ​​Delhi and he embarked on the same film in the film. That's why filmmaking is less in film. Audiences like this kind of films because such movies revolve around and without any heavy publicity goes on.

We have been dominating religious stories and that's why every second movie contains Pueti heroines from fictional sets, super adventures of superheroes, make-up. We are actually addicted to Ramlila, in which even Sita in the forest revolves around the crown of gold. Seeing them, our logical power has been answered and the picture of the typical middle family like 'Badhai' is not digested.

In fact, the reason for our misery is that we usually run away from real problems. We need miracles at all. For the idols of Ram temple and Sardar Patel, they spend billions of rupees in rupees, so that it will happen to them that happiness will spread everywhere. With this hard work, our Pandeys fill our minds in the movies which are seen in the movies and where people live in palaces, roam in big cars and heroes perform miraculous work. Films such as 'Badhai', 'English Winglish', 'Hindi Medium' were successful, so that the common people who were struggling with everyday problems were shown in their real environment.

Life is tough and hard. Need to understand this understanding. These mantras will not be from the democracy. For this, a story should be told that people can understand the pleasures of the common people, those who worship and pray Ram Ravan do not have the war.

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My father's immortal legacy and anomalous memory in a fierce fire have erupted

My father's immortal legacy and anomalous memory in a fierce fire have erupted
Rishi Kapoor says very heavy,
All the heroin clothes, decorations, jewelry and furniture etc. of Awara, Shree 420, Jeet Deshmeen Ganga Bahti Hai, Mera Naam Joker, and Prem Lagaan and Ab la Lata Chale have been destroyed. The Joker Mask, which was played by Raj Kapoor in Mera Naam Joker, was a multi-lingual: Bobby's film After success, my father bought our property because he had all his earnings RK Studio's collection Giving up for the release: I was barely two years old when I was involved in the shooting of Mr. 420 Pyaar Hua Ekker Hua in the rainy season

My self Dadaji was a cinema religion for Raj Kapoor and RKstudio home. No one even after RK Films was Bobby Superhit, then my father bought his own home.

The fact was that my father used to give all his earnings to RK Stuudo. The horrible fire in the studio was a nightmare for our family because it was burnt to death by the many memorable memories of my father's immortal creation films.
These words are Bollywood's greatest film producer and actor Shawman Rajkupur's son Rishikpoor.

On Saturday, September 16, 2007, there is news of heavy losses in RK Studio unit no.1 in the flames of flames that took place at around two-and-a-half hours.

However, the talented actor of Bollywood and Rishikapur, son of Raj Kapoor, said with great sadness that due to fire, RK Studio has suffered a lot and over time, we will be able to create a new studio but the damage to my memories and memories of my father and his memorable creative films How can I compensate for this? The emotionally attached fibers associated with this studio have been broken. How do I pair again?

Rishi Kapoor recalls his father's films and his memoirs with RK Studio, RK The history of the studio film producer is very long and immortal. Some of the memorable films of the studio were shot in the same unit, which were burnt to death in the same fire.

Filmmakers in Hindi films have worked in the studio. Also, my own memories are closely linked to this studio. My father Swaprajapure Saheb told us that when he was barely 25 years old, during the production of Awaara film, the same building of four walls of RK Studio unit no.1 Work was done.

Over time, in this studio, memorable, honorable and superhit films such as Awaara, Mr. 420, Jeet Deshmeen Ganga Bahati Hai, Mera Naam Joker, Satyam Shivam Sundaram, Ram Teri Ganges Miley, Dharam Karm, Premrug and This Loot Chale were produced. At the shooting of the Awaara Mera Pardesi, Awaara movie, Aya Mera Pardesi ... was only four walls in the studio and there was no roof over. The shooting of the entire song was done after sunset because at that time the electricity supply in Chembur was started at night only.

Mera Naam Joker, Karega, Premog, Memon Ki Baarat, Damini, Rafa Chakkar, Khel Khel Mein, Amar Ankheni, Agneepath, Dey Day, Do Duni Charan and Kapoor and Sons, and play various roles in honorable films, and Rishi Kapoor, considered to be romantic actor of Bollywood Recalling memories, says RK Studio, my childhood and my film career are both. I remember exactly

In this song, my father, Raj Kapoor and Nargisji, are seen on the three small rocky roads along with rain in the song. We are brother-in-law. This song was shot due to the shooting of this song in Mumbai's autumnal year. As a result, I was constantly crying. However, Nargisji gave me Cadbury Chocolate By giving them a reason to convince them that I do as my father says. Shoot the song in the rainy season.

Now tell me, how deep would I have been when I had such a fierce fire in R.K.Studio and when my childhood memories were burnt down? Today I am 65 years old and at this place I spent 63 years of my life. So there is another house for our family, so my brothers, Randhir and Rajiv are also very sad with me.

Rishi Kapoor, who received two Filmfare awards twice a month after filming his second ininjay in Bollywood, says that he is very sensitive to the fires of the studio, and the mother of the Kapoor family, Krishna Kapurji, is very sad. They can not accept this event. My mother is the founding stone of R.K.Studio and it is also associated with many celebrated occasions.

Even today, due to his age, his health was soft, he wanted to see the damage done in the studio, but we explained to him that due to fire there is a spread of smoke, your health will get worse. You do not worry, all the good will happen. In fact, the fire started at two o'clock in the afternoon, 11 fire tankers completely boiled. We are grateful for that excellent performance of Fire Brigade.

In the fierce fire of RK Studio, Awaara, Mr. 420, from Jis Desh Mein Ganga Bahti Hai, Mera Naam Joker, Satyam Shivam Sundaram and Above Late Chale movies, decorations, films made from RK Films banner.

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Superhit pairs in terms of box office

Superhit pairs in terms of box office
When it comes to marriage, it is said that pairs are created from heaven. But when it comes to Rupee diaphragm, it decides the box office. Every Friday, the combination of these pairs is determined that the pair is about to end in the coming days. However, the box office has made a number of memorable pair, whose popularity has not diminished even over time.

The recently-released movie, Shubh Mangalam Saludna, has joined the pair of Ayushmann Khurana and Land Paddanekar's composite pairs list. Both of them debut in 'Dum Laga or Hiisha' in Bollywood. The film proved to be a hit and Jadei also got hit. Then both of them were to come together in Manmarija. But for some reason the film got stuck.

Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone are both popular on the screen and in reality. Both of them first appeared in Ramlila and then Bajirao Mastana was also a hit. Now he is working with 'Padmavati'.

Deepika Padukone and Shahrukh Khan's pair also look beautiful on the periphery. Both acted in 'Om Shanti Om', 'Chennai Express' and Happy New Year. Their magic flashes on the screen.

Kajol and Shah Rukh Khan were very much liked by the viewers. Both worked for the first time in the Bajirang film. Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge then minced films at the box office. This pair also proved to be super hit. Then both worked with the movie 'Main Name Is Khan' and Dilwale. Even today, the pair is so much a hit.

Katrina Kaif worked with almost all the superhero artists. In which Akshay Kumar likes to join the audience. Both give hits like Namaste London, Singh Is King, and Welcome. Katrina is also liked as well with Salman Khan. Seeing the pair of both, viewers also speculate about having close relationships with each other. Now the film 'Tiger Zindah Hai' is under production.

  On the other hand, Katrina and Hrithik pair also look very similar to Katrina and Hrithik pair. Hrithik and Kate Zindagi worked with films such as Milegi Dobra and Bang Bang. Both of these films were successful at the box office.

In addition to Hrithik Katrina, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has also made hits like Dhoom-2, Jodha Akbar, Guzarish.

Talking about the decade of the 90s, the pair of Anil Kapoor and Madhuri Dixit were super hit. In 1987, the first film of both was 'Hafjat'. However, the duo's duo got their genuine popularity from the 1988 film 'Taseb'.

After seeing the importance of 'Bonding', both of them gave superhit films like Ram-Lucknow, Beta and Parinda.

Juhi Chawla's pair was superhit with Aamir Khan. 'Qayamat Se Qayamat Takan' films minted at the box office. So the 'Ishq' movie proved too superb.

Amitabh and Rekha pair were very popular in the seventies-eighties. However, today the audience likewise likes this pair. However, as the equation of relationship between both of them looked distorted, the couple had stopped working with this pair. However, both of them have given some memorable films to the box office.

At one time Dharmendra and Hema Malini's pair were synonymous with each other. The pair were watching the pair together at the ticket window. The screen of love and the screen is very much liked.

In the seventies-eighty decade Rajesh Khanna was said to have said that the superhero stars also got faint in front of 'Aka Aka, Below Kaka' Aenea Stardom. Rajesh Khanna's pair Sharmila Tagore and Mumtaz were very much liked.
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Today, millions of leopard TVs Artists' first earnings

Today, millions of leopard TVs Artists' first earnings
Artists getting popularity in the television industry are earning millions of episodes. However, you may be surprised to know about their first earnings.

Divyaanka Tripathi: Yeh Hai Mohabbat First earning - 250 rupees.

The actress made her first acting at an event in Bhopal. In return, he was paid Rs. 250 as a monthly payment. However, the actress says that she has not passed the check of Rs 25-odd rupees received today. The first earning is very important for this, the actress said.

Lopa Mudra Rout:
Showbiz's 10th Season
First earning 5000

7 years ago Actress participated in a fashion show. The show's show was Stopper Sushmita Sen. The show's owner gave Lapa Padra 5000 rupees for a ram walk. From this rupee he celebrated remuneration before treating friends.

Karan Patel: Show - Yeh Hai Mohabbatte
First earnings: 6000

The actor had made his career by advertising a bank. For which he had recovered as much as 6000 rupees.

Hope Negi:
First earning Rs 3500

The actress made her first earnings while studying in a college in Dehradun. Then that track b. P. Was working in O And every month we got 3500 rupees as salary. She put her first salary in her mother's hand. However, some of these moms returned her to her mother. The device used to give a party to nearby friends.

Shashk Vyas: Shaw Balika More
First earnings 1100

When Shashank was in the first year of college, she wanted to buy a new denim jeans for her birthday. For this, he decided not to take money from his parents. To do this, he worked for ten days in a mall to give information about various offices running there. For this work, he got 1100 rupees. And with this money he bought denim.

Hina Khan: Show -
Yeh Rishta Kya Kahlata Hai
First earning - 45000

The actress got 45 thousand rupees for her first show, Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. Who had spent the money taken by the cellphone for his parents.

Ravi Dubey: Show - Jamaati King
First earnings: 20,000 rupees

The actor got his 20,000 rupees from the first advertisement of his career. He bought gifts for his family from this first earning.

Neha Marda: Show: Dolly Armano Key
First earnings: 1.35 lakh

Neha had received one lakh rupees thirty thousand rupees for the first time.

From which he had spent Rs. 101 on the other side for the Lord.

Sharad Malhotra:
Show - Maharana Pratap
First earnings: 25000 rupees

In the year 2000, for the first time, the first shoot was for the Reliance SIM card. For which, the actor got 2500 rupees in the first place. Who had spent gifting him.

Rashmi Desai: Show Up
First earnings: 1000 rupees

Rashmi started a photo shoot for a hair company in the beginning of the career. For which he met a thousand rupees. He used this earning to buy saris for the mother.

Tina Dutta: Show - Uttaran
First earnings: 500 rupees

When Tina was four and a half years old, she participated in a play for which she was given 500 rupees. This money was purchased for the money.

Shradha Arya: Show - Dream Girl
First earnings: 10,000 rupees

Shraddha shot an ad for a detergent. It received a remuneration of 10,000 rupees as compensation.

In the joy of being able to shoot the first ad, he spent this amount to fast his house in a luxury hotel.

Rhythm Dogra: Show- Limit
First earnings: 1000 rupees

Actress earned a thousand rupees by interpolating during college. After collecting the months of thoda months, Rithhi went to Goa with friends.

Thus, artisans who earn a modest amount of 250 or so in the beginning of the career, are now reaching the peak of success and earning millions of crores.

Mohamed Najim:
Show - Saath Nabha Saathiya

First earning - 5000 rupees

Mohammed took part in the first fashion show. The person whose remuneration was found to be worth 5000 rupees. This first earning was given to her mom.
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Kapil Sharma is taking treatment for 'indigestion' removal

Kapil Sharma is taking treatment for 'indigestion' removal
It is said that it is very difficult to digest success. In spite of that, who has made a steep struggle, if he does not stick his foot with the ground then surely it will be stuck. In the case of actor-comedian Kapil Sharma, this is true of sixteen. Kapil Sharma, who came from the lower middle class, achieved the distance in the comedy area, as well as the people who were at the fingertips.

But Kapil did not know this success. And he got rid of his colleagues by boasting in arrogance. Kapil's fall began with the incident in March, during the Hawaii tour. As a result, he came to Tension and became drunk.

After all, his health stops. The shooting of his show was canceled. As a result, Chanel and Kapil decided to take a break for a while. And at the present stage, the comedian - actor is taking treatment in a Ayurvedic hospital in Bangalore.

Kapil said that now I am detoxifying my body. And after returning to Mumbai by the end of this month, I will work again. We have given a small break to my show. It has not been curtained on. Also, my film 'Firangi' is being released in November. So I want to be as soon as possible.

After Kapil misbehaved with his co-workers, there are continuous negative news releases in the media about it. But told the comedian that all this is wrong. Actually I have been working on a last decade.

For my work, I will travel frequently, shooting together two episodes of my show, shooting movies and eating health and diet without getting all the work done. It also says that the media wrote a lot of misconception about me.

It was also written that after I refused to shoot, Bollywood stars had to return to the shooting place. But I am not so stupid that I look back to top actors like Shah Rukh Khan and Ajay Devgan. He knew about my problem. So he did not get wrong.

However, the funny thing is that on one hand Kapil said that due to health reasons, shooting of his shows was canceled. And on the other side also said that 'I was stuck. But now I have taken care of myself. ' He also said that if I get cured, then I will be working more powerful than before and work my job. But at the present stage, forgive me and pray for me. He added that I am a very emotional person.

If I feel that everything does not cross over, then I am quite calm. I have never tried to market my. I have paid a heavy price for the debate with my colleagues during the plane travel. Yes, everything written about me in the media was not true.

Preeti Simon, a former Creative Director of 'Comedy Nights with Kapil', has been associated with Kapil Sharma for a long time. But the break between them was not friendly. After the departure of Premi Simon and Kapil, Kapil's decline was very uneasy. Later, Preeti started her 'Drama Company' show with her sister. Kapil also said that I never told anyone to separate from me.

When Sunil was leaving me, I told him that we could work better together. I was convinced that I am working hard to run my show. So when he returned, I welcomed him. I have always believed that I should work with good artists. So even in the future, if you want, you can come to work with me.

I will welcome them. Unless it is talked about, it has long been connected with me. At that time I welcomed it. And I did not stop it when he wanted to leave me. I want it to showcase success.
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TowerHeight: Where is $ 20 million hid?

TowerHeight: Where is $ 20 million hid?
Something worth $ 20 million is hidden in an apartment in New York's expensive residential tower. Some employees of the tower have come together to steal the money. The stupidity of the stealth and the comedy created during that time is TowerHeight ..

A posh residential tower stands in the posh area of ​​New York. Here are all the richest people who are wealthy. There is a lot of staff to monitor the tower.

Josh Kowak is the manager of the tower, is a lift operator, has security guards, cooks, reception staff, other small and big job assistants. He has one-and-a-half-dozen staff, who keeps the tower in full swing. As a manager, all of them are in the hands of Josh.

The upper floor of the tower is a grandfather named Arthur Shaw. Dada is in the age, but he is a victim of despair. They eat a special type of burger and bath in the air on their own swimming pool. There is no shortage of money. One day CCTV cameras showed that Vans Arthur shows in the parking area are being taken aboard. On seeing this, the manager ran behind Josh Gardi. The train got beaten up and the show came out of it, along with FBI woman officer Clare Denham caught on her.


Because Mr Shaw was in love with the appearance of a kidnapping.


Because Mr Shaw has misappropriated $ 2 billion worth of money. Shows were invested by collecting money from many people. He drowned all those money. That is why the show was in the process of being raucous.

The show was presented to the FBI by the FBI and then interned. In the meantime, seeing all the staffing staff, giving a tragic news. Accordingly, Mr. Tower's employees were allowed to invest Mr Pension in the tower's money. That is, the money went now. What to do? Employees working in the tower are quite common.

Why is it going to be immersed by Josh Bhool and Sho Cheating? Josh was very angry, so he went to Mr Sho's apartment and broke it with his sister Priya Ferrari. What is the amount of money lost in anger? And now, Mr Shaw, Josh is also going to take action. Josh goes to jail or goes to the show. Anyway, the damages of the tower are only for the employees.

He decided that at the cost of the tower employees should not be harmed at any cost. On the other hand, the show has lifted hands. Joshi-friendly FBI Lady Clare advised her to do what she wants to do. Because the holidays will be completed and the court opens, the show will get bail. After that he will be jailed for you. At the same time Josh came to know that the show had saved only $ 20 million in the apartment somewhere. If you have to divide the money then it will be taken away with the money. Let's hit it on 20 million.

Josh was manager but now it has been removed. Even though he has his friends in the apartment. One is the only one. There are other colleagues. However, there is no thief. So first to find out how to steal, Josh Slide is a full-time, time-detective thief. It will be seen that the old files have been found by the researcher that Mr Shaw had recently renovated his apartment. At that time a thick wall was made between them. The treasury should be hidden in the wall.

The main thief begins to offer slide training. First of all, the slide gives the work of four colleagues to steal something from this mall in 15 minutes. All went to the wallet table because they did not work and bought and could not present it as a theft. In a little while, everyone came to steal who knew his own way, succeeded. When he returned, Slide said that good, but you have stolen flags, while I've got cash worth $ 264.


All of your wallet! After that, the slide explained the first rule of thievery that, never (like me), a thief may not be able to put your trust in it. Many such comedies are all gathered together. When you go to a restaurant, you take a cock for a drink, so do not have to pay the bill!

The team had been dispersed till the time of thieves after small training. Some did not have the courage, somebody got a job in the tower. So? Theft can not be stopped even if done. Many employees' money is spent.

The day that Mr Show was presented in court was selected for the theft. On one hand, FBI Lady Claire reached the court on Mr Show, on the other hand all these arrived at Mr Shona's apartment. Maha-Mehnde broke the wall, fortunately the treasury was there. Whenever you open the treasury, you know that there is a treasury, but there is no money in it!

Where did the money go? Tired of working hard? Now what should we do? At that point everyone was shocked and angry, someone shot him. The pudding .. The pill struck the Ferrari there. At that time it was known that Ferrari's red color is a gold structure below. That means that Mr Shaw was paired with Ferrari by creating gold parts rather than keeping cash in cash. That is, Ferrari was the only gold. So now?

On the other hand, Mr Shaw and the FBI official, who arrived at the judge's house, were told that you came to hear on Thanksgiving on the Thanksgiving Day? So he went back home. Ferrari must be removed from here only till all these return, why should the ferris be removed from an apartment which is high in the tower? By adjusting the lift above ..

20 million was to be stolen, but Ferrari is $ 45 million. Now get rid of Ferrari from here. By the time Mr Shaw returned, it was successful in missing Ferrari. But after a while all caught up.
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The fun of working with money is more important - Sandra Bullock

The fun of working with money is more important - Sandra Bullock

Hollywood heroine Sandra Bullock's name has never been known as the top heroine, but her 1994 film 'Speed' is considered to be still as Simacchu. Sandra, who has been working for a long time, has now reduced the pace of work and hence she is releasing her movie for only two-three years.

Shortly before, Sandra's 'The Proposal' romantic movie, 'The Proposal', was released, and her performance in the film was very much appreciated and her latest movie 'The Blind Side' has shown her realistic acting.

Jolly Sandra Bullock was born on July 26, 1964 in Virginia. Sandra's mother Helga D. Mayor was a German opera singer and voice teacher while her father was John Bullock's voice teacher and executive.

Sandra was a rocket scientist in Nuremberg, in Little Germany, and, from childhood, Sandra was playing the ideas of moving ahead to learn more instead of being a heroine. Sandra remained in Nuremberg for nearly twelve years, and until then childhood was eagerly taking part in children's chorus in opera. Sandra also trained in ballet and vocal arts in childhood.

Sandra completed the next study at the Washington-Lea High School, where she had taken care of the Cheer Leader as well as the study and enjoyed the love affair with the football player. In 1986, the situation arose that Sandra had to make a strong decision to give up the study to advance the career of acting before the days of graduation examinations.

Sandra's approach was not easy, and before Sandra got the name as an actress, Sandra had to do small jobs like bartender, cocktail waitress and Kotkekar to survive during the conflict.

Sandra is enjoying the life now because she has got a good rapport with her lover Jesse James. Jesse James is a professional motor cyclist and she and Sandra chose to marry four years ago. Sandra and Jesse James were interviewed during the filming of Discovery Channel's program 'Munster Garage'.

Jesse James has a little tattooed look when Sandra's image is as Sophisticated Girl. Speaking about her pair in these circumstances, Sandra says, "JC introduced me to life and taught to enjoy the thrilling way of life.

The weakness that I have in me gives Jesse the civility. When I met him in the minutes of the calculation, I realized that we have been created to live together for a long time. I have had a love relationship with many actors in the past, but I did not talk about it.

There are my specific concepts about marriage. I wanted to get married very wisely because I think marriage should be done only once in life. I was mentally prepared for every change to become a good wife. I am the wife of one husband and I want to stay the same forever. "

Sandra has reduced work in films, but she constantly engages in other works. Three years ago, he built an eco-friendly restaurant in San Diego. This is the perfect management Sandra herself. Sandra is also popular because of her performance as well as her charitable nature.

Owning the $ 85 million, Sandra donated a good amount of money to the US after the terrorist attacks in the United States and after Hurricane Katrina, and in the process of organizing fundraisers for the Red Cross and planning blood donation camps.
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Item song: An indispensable part of Bollywood movies

Item song: An indispensable part of Bollywood movies

Shah Rukh and Malaika's item 'Kaal' were successful in taking the viewers back to the time of 'Dilse'. This item has got a lot of noise. At one time, the item song was a story of actresses like Helen, Bindu and Pariyal, but today's top heroes are waiting to make a heroine item song.

Today Hero-Heroine's item songs have become an integral part of the films. Shilpa Shetty in 'Shool', Rima Sen in 'A', Urmila Matandkar in 'Lajja', 'Fiza' and 'Kissena' in Sushmita Sen, 'Khaki', Lara Dutta won the Woman's Wife by playing an item song.

However, today's item song is compelling to be irresistible in every film. But in the '60s and' 70s, Helen was the only actress to appear in every film to show her influence in the item song. In other words, it was difficult to find an actor best than Helen at that time.

One of Helen's songs was heavy on the whole film. The success of Sholay's 'Mehbooba' song can not be mistaken for Helen's contribution. At that time there was a specific image of every artist and artists rarely dared to come out of this film, but this boundary line has now disappeared. Alone the hero Vamp, the item girl is surrey. The speaker has changed a lot.

Excerpts of saying that the power of Narayan, the head of the heroine of today, plays a major role in limiting this limitation. And yes, some heroine's top directors try to make the director happy with an item song to play a leading role in the next film.

In 'Jabang', Rekha danced on the song 'Ek Tho Kam Jindagi' and made the hit song 'Saatche Geet' too. At that time, Rekha played the lead role. And despite being a superstar, he dared to make an item song. Before this, Mumtaz also provided an inspiration to itemize the item in a film directed by Jitendra and Leena Chandavarkar, and would not be surprised if Rekha provided inspiration to do item dancing. Because, when Mumtaz performed this item song, he was also a superstar.

Today, Isha Kopikar, Yana Gupta, Gauhar Khan, Koyna Mitra, Sameera Reddy, Priyanka Chopra, Mahima Chaudhary, Sushmita Sen Many actresses like Aishwarya Rai, Lara Dutta have danced the item. The first film did not give the popularity to the North. But the 'Khalas' item song will make Iran's name introspective. Similarly, Shamita Shetty does not remember the popularity of 'Mere Yar Ki Shadi Hai''s 'Shara Shararah ...' as she has given her some other films.

Now most of the item girl is keen to play a role in getting the opportunity to act, and Koyna Mitra and Isha Kopikar now refuse the offer to dance the item, emphasizing the role of the actress.

It is not possible to deny that an item girl is growing today. And when the item song is to be a popular actress, the popularity of the movie increases and this item song does not reduce the image of the heroes. This is the heroine's claim.

If the girls coming in today's films want to fill in the huge fluctuations in their films, and this short route to gain popularity guarantees their success then it is natural that they do not have any problem in it.
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Who wakes up - he is god

The occasion of Gandhiji (Who wakes up - he is god)

Gandhiji was away from Champaraya. Night train Keepers were cautious to get a restful sleep The volunteers did not let anyone go to Gandhiji's compartment. The servants themselves slept around.

But in the night, the servants moved on the hitch. And entered into a farmer compartment from the middle station. A farmer says, 'Do you understand the carriage of a father?' Move on Let's sit down. '

Gandhiji wakes up The farmer recognized Feel the feet. He started singing a song: Dhanvand Gandhiji Maharaj crossed the Naiya Maharaja Desh Mande Hoga Teera Raj Dhanwan Gandhiji Maharaj was a farmer himself as Gandhi Bhagat and he used to go to hear Gandhiji's speech. He also wanted to live with Gandhiji.

With Gandhiji, he suddenly got into a friendship. Gandhiji says: 'Friend! This car is not my father, but we will make him our father. Thank you for raising me. Today I got to know about my peers. '

If Batia came, people started shouting 'Gandhiji Zindabad Gandhiji Amar Rao'. The flowers began to flutter.

Gandhiji says: 'Stand up. Today is a special person with me. Who has blew me and your sleep. Has made us awake. First of all welcome the farmer's guru! '

It is said that after Kishen Kishchand, he remained with Gandhiji. In the matter of farmer, farming, soil, Gandhiji used to get his practical advice. Kishan says: 'Bapu! I got God in the middle of the night. '

Bapu says: 'I got a Guru awakening in the middle of the night. Me and my colleagues The one who wakes up is the God. '
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Bio-Data - The first ever bio-data for interview

Bio-Data - The first ever bio-data for interview

The first time you have a Bio-data or 'Detail Application Form' in the preparation of personality test. Members of the interview board get your first acquaintance through your application form. And it can be said that 'First Impression is the Last Impression'! The application form becomes your first introduction to.

Members of the board first start discussions with you by looking at your candidature. Thus, the candidature can be appropriately estimated from the KDeetail application form, that the members of the board will ask what questions! Interview phase is endangered when most candidates count the application form as normal.

          UPSC After passing the preliminary examination, this form has to be filled. The interview begins with the questionnaire. Let us discuss the types of questions that can be asked of its various issues!

           If your name is associated with a known person, you can ask questions about it. Or what does your name mean? What language is it? There is no agreement or anything in it.

           Any national or international incident made on the date of your birth, if any national day has been declared or if there is a great birthday also about birthday! In addition to writing your birthdate, there are some well known issues such as 420, 911, 2611, 1947 and so on.

           Your correspondence address - the names of the society, route, area covered by it, if it is associated with a known person, or if there are any words such as villa, acropolis, mansion etc., then it is from what language it means. What can be the number of six digits of Pincodes showing what the issue is? If your city or village is in discussion at any time, then there are questions related to it. If you are a native of the village, then government schemes of village village development and migration from villages to cities can be discussed.

          Social category, such as Scheduled Castes, Tribe etc., have to show your category. In 'Do you believe in reservation?' Questions like this can happen!

              If unmarried, many questions are not asked in this subject, but if you are married, would you have taken dowry for male candidates? What is your wife's business? Have questions like? How to balance women's accountability and family responsibilities? If there was an interfaith marriage, did any problem arise?

Thus, from the above discussion, we can understand that the first 'bio-data' analysis should be analyzed for personality test. This will provide true direction for preparation. It is inappropriate to expect to know the world as long as the person does not know about himself!
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Feb 12, 2019

Achievements of Indian Culture

Where is the understanding as to understanding the achievements of Indian culture?

The birth of Tibet was born as a Tattatube Baby, a warrior of Mahabharata's war, there were planes in India and nuclear weapons were called brahmastras. The biggest ridicule of all these gossipers is that those who talk about such things are not their own folly. Generally people get their own knowledge or understanding from others. These dignitaries have borrowed themselves from their stupidity and others.

Beginning Dayanand Saraswati, such a Vedic society reformer and cleansing of the rotten caste in Hinduism has been done in a fundamental way. Every man has as much knowledge as he can, but he keeps on clinging to something. It is said that the Egyptian winner and the second Khalifa of Islam have burned Alexandria's rich and wonderful library by arguing that there is no need for other texts to be in the Qur'an and that there is no need to keep the Qur'an in writing.
Swami Dayanand Saraswati, the staunch enemy of Islam, embraced this idea and deed with excessive insistence in the Vedragrahas including the whole world knowledge. His followers followed him back and forth. Whatever technology is in the world, whatever technology is there, it is all in the Vedas. If there is a railway or a microscopic glass, an airplane or an atomic explosion, then last-ritual surgery of medicine is all in the Vedas. The foreigners steal our texts and they have developed it from them. Everything that happens, from implantation of human organs to artificial intelligence, is done, everything that is to be written is written in the Vedas.
This superstition of Arya Samaj was nourished from abroad. Today the name of Theosophy has been forgotten and almost forgotten, but it was a hundred years ago. Gandhi and Nehru also influenced him. Madame Blavatissi started. Our famous poet Baharamji Mambari shook Blavatis' dust.
Indian texts, Indian traditions and saints of India were omniscient and omniscient. Dashavatar is a former form of Darwinism's evolution, and the theosophists have vigorously talked about the ancient Indian scriptures containing all the world's science sciences.
This disintegration of Dayanand Saraswati and Theosophists has also been adopted by the National Volunteer Association and countless leaders of BJP combine to solve the myths and myths of the legends. He has never understood India's limitations as the lack of understanding of Indian civilization, and India's incredible achievements in praising popular goggles on Indian social system or Indian state-of-the-art do not come to their mind.

There is a 29/30 feet iron pillar named Chandra Kalam in the precincts of Qutbaminar in Delhi. About a thousand years old this pillar weighs about six tons. To grind the iron, it has to be heated to 200 degrees and this flaming liquid can not even stand with iron. At that time, the answer to the question of how the iron juice of six tons of iron was removed in the mold. They do not have a crane, there are six tonnes of weight lifting equipment. There is no indication of this supreme achievement and this iron is so pure that it does not get corrosion.
We are special about linguistics. The grammar base of the Sanskrit language is considered as an octogenarian of Panini. After reaching Europe in the form of disintegration, all the grammarians realized that the grammar of their own language is not rational and science is not available, and European linguists have laid out a new science called linguistics to meet this shortcoming.

Man is sick, he is sick of his own folly. That is why the cause of all diseases is called 'pragydosh'. Obeying the dietary rules, arranging life system according to seasonality, it never gets sick. Today, we are known as Life Style's figurine.

If you do not mention Ellora, then the list of India's superpower remains incomplete. The temples or buildings are built above the foundation. Ellora is built below the bottom because this whole temple has been carved from a tremendous rock. The engineering calculations required for such carving should be in those days. Today is forgotten, but India's limitations and idiots are not crossed. Our neighboring country started making paper from rags. Muslims from China used to make paperwork through China in Central Asia and Muslims started writing paper industry in India. Alcohol and cannons also brought Muslims to India. Even today, Europe and America have such wonderful innovation and resources. Why does not this happen in our country?
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Feb 9, 2019

Pankaj Tripathi's Hollywood entry, Netflix will appear in the movie

Pankaj Tripathi's Hollywood entry, Netflix will appear in the movie

Bollywood Desk: Cine-savvy Pankaj Tripathi will be known by the name. Pankaj Tripathi has become very popular with hits such as 'Gangs of Wasseypur', 'Newton', 'Bareli Ki Barfi', 'Hari' and successful websites like 'Sacred Games' and 'Mirzapur'. Now the latest news is that Pankaj Bhai is going to hit Hollywood. In the 'Marvel' superhero series in Hollywood, he will be seen acting with actor Chris Hemsworth, who is playing the role of 'Thor'. Right now, Chris Hammersworth is currently shooting the original video streaming site 'Netflix' original movie 'Dhaka'. The shooting schedule will begin in Bangkok in the next few days. There are reports about linking Pankaj Tripathi.

It is worth mentioning that Chris Hemsworth has been in India for the shooting of Netflix's original film 'Dhaka' in the last year of November. Some scenes of this movie were shot in Mumbai and Ahmedabad. Indian artists like Manoj Bajpai and Randeep Hooda will also be seen in the film, who is the kidnapper and sabotage of an Indian businessman's son. The film is about to be completed in March 2019.
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customize your kitchen on a budget

customize your kitchen on a budget

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Accentuate accessories Accessories are the finishing touch of personalization in any room, including the kitchen. However, since the kitchen needs to be high-functioning, look for ways to accessorize that also enhance your kitchen’s ability to work for you. * Every kitchen has small appliances that get regular use, such as toasters, food processors, blenders, etc. If your toaster sits out on the counter, why not turn it into part of the design theme by selecting an appliance in a bright color to match your decor? * A matching set of potholders or dish towels hung from a hook beneath a cabinet or on the side of a cupboard not only puts a much-needed item close at hand, they can add decorative flare. * Place a bright, cheerful area rug in front of the sink or prep area. The rug will not only perk up the space, it helps cushion your joints while you stand in one spot working. * A pot rack above an island provides much-needed storage space for large pots and pans, while adding a homey touch to the kitchen. Customizing a kitchen doesn’t have to be costly or require you to sacrifice any functionality. With a few smart updates, you can cost-effectively create the personalized kitchen of your dreams.

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Who does not want to adapt the kitchen to meet their special taste and needs? Renovations in full kitchens can cost thousands of dollars, but you do not need to spend bundles to get customized performance. Some small investments can help your kitchen work well and look good.

Here are ways to customize your kitchen:

Get creative with cabinets

A completely changing cabinet can be expensive, but there may be a custom form with an already existing cabinet. Tactics for optimization:

* Paint dark blue shelves in fashionable colors. Or, paint a set of cabinets, such as under an island, a different color.

* To get an open effect, remove the door from the closet, where you can display a favorite showpiece. See also the rear color of the wardrobe color with the contrast color.

* Replace the draft or soft hardware with drawer pulses and knobs that speak for the taste of your personal design. For example, if you choose a vintage look, replace the metal's hardware with glass or ceramic knobs.

Refresh the tape

The cabinet's hardware is not just "jewelery" in the kitchen. Tap can also be a design focal point, which looks better than it. If your date is not original or just your taste, then replace the new model kitchen faucet that can help restore strength to your style, the whole room. Besides, a new tape can provide functions and facilities that will make your kitchen more useful.

For example, Tumen Fat combines traditional design with modern industrial components, so it works well with various kitchen design themes. Three functions, the head of the pull-down spray when set to wash fruit and specially Berisoft enough soft vegetables, you have to keep the exact location of the water where you need it.

If you like a more vintage look, Kohler recently added a bridge model tap on its popular artifacts line. Remembrance taps turn-of-the-century kitchen and bar, deck-mounted pontoon temperature control lever or six prong of handles, and the facility works with a two-action side.

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