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Jan 29, 2021

Unlimited internet facility for all government and grant aided schools,

An important decision made by the state government for all government and grant aided schools, now this facility will also be available

Unlimited internet facility for all government and grant aided schools,

Unlimited internet facility is provided.  Internet facility has not yet been allotted to 4 government and 12 grant aided schools in the state. So now these schools will be given monthly grant for internet connection.

 Schools will be given a monthly grant for internet connection

 BHNL was contracted by the Office of the Commissioner of Schools to facilitate internet connection in government and grant aided schools in the state but by the end of November, only 18 government and 15 grant aided schools in the state have been provided internet connection.
 In order to provide services at school level through the agency which provides the best internet facility in the district to the schools which have not been provided internet service by the company to the 9 government and 12 grant aided schools, it has been decided to allocate the grant to that school.

 It was decided to allocate its grant to the school to get services at school level through the agency. 

 Under this scheme a maximum of Rs. 150 per month will be paid to the school. These expenses will be subject to audit.  The DEO office will have to check whether the school has taken internet connection under this scheme.  The school will have to start the service after receiving the price list from the service provider.  Unused grants under this scheme will have to be surrendered at the end of the financial year.  At the district level, the school will also have to get the certificates of usage from the school and keep a record. At present, the government has allotted a grant to each school from January to March.

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