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Jan 28, 2019

Std.7 Science NCERT Video by SSA

Government of Gujarat has decided to distribute 57.20 lakh students of standard 1 to 12 students from the state government and granted schools for the same year. Under which state textbooks have been sent to textbooks at every district office, including Ahmedabad. With the commencement of the session by the district offices, the textbooks will be distributed to the students as well as the working professor of textbooks said
All students of government-granted school will get free books from the academic session starting June -2016. More than 150 primary schools of Ahmedabad, 369 secondary and higher secondary schools, more than three lakh students will get free books.
State Textbook Board Executive Chairman Nitin Pithani said that for the year 2016-17, the government and granted schools have a std. A total of 38.30 lakh textbooks set for children studying in 1 to 8 and a std. A total of 18.90 lakh textbooks have been sent to each district head office for children studying in classes 9 to 12. He further said that these textbooks have now been sent to the district office. The set of textbooks is being distributed to those schools from there. Apart from this, the textbooks will be distributed to students along with the beginning of the session by those schools. If any number of students in the school has increased, then after the application of that school, the set of textbooks will be sent according to their demand.

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