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Jan 28, 2019

Board Exam 2019 Rejected school List 28.1.2019

50 markers for the 10th and 12th science board exams will now exit 2019. Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Department (GSHSEB) has proposed to the state education department to implement the NCERT course and central board exam pattern in SSC and HSC examinations. Education Minister Bhupendra Chudasama said that the government is seriously considering this proposal of the GSHSEB. The final decision will be taken in a short time. According to the sources, the NCERT course has been introduced in standard 9 and 11 and the same courses will be started in the standard 10 and 12 classes from 2019. A source familiar with this matter said that so far the detailed questions of 50 marks OMR questions and 50 markers were asked in the examination. But in coming years, the CBSE pattern will also apply to students of standard 10 and 12 science, Kannadi Lakai, which does not have OMR questions. This decision has been taken after complaints against large number of stolen complaints in OMR paper in standard 10. This year 450 cases have been registered against theft case, in which students have received 45-50 marks in the OMR, but the remaining 50 markers have not even got 5 marks in the paper. There were 650 in 2017 and 553 complaints in 2016.

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