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Jan 28, 2019

10 % Anamat GR in Gujarati by Gujarat Govt

The government will also make an announcement for the unorganized society. Must be declared constitutionally. The last four to five days have helped in the fight for the short time. Alpesh and Jiva will also be with you now. This fight will now be a fight on the battlefield. Even if the government has to speak, it will have to come there.
We will not talk to the government. If the government sent him to jail, he would also fight there. So far, Sardar Patel walked the road and now we will walk on Gandhi's path. We will do the same as the government talks about Gandhi. If the BJP went to Gandhinagar, it can not be reprimanded.
I will abstain from food in the fast. People from different states will also join the movement. The government will try to impose a further crime on me.
Now the government has nothing to defame. My teal never changes. We have also spoken to Rahul Gandhi about reservation. If I am sent to jail in a case before August 25, then I will fast in jail. We will now join the movement in non-reserved societies too. What we did so far was our aggression.

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